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Ohio PRTF Program Manual v1.2 (PDF)
DRO Incident Reporting Contact Information (PDF)
ODM PRTF Seclusion and Restraint Memo (PDF)
Ohio PRTF Attestation Form (PDF)
PRTF Certification of Need Guidance and Template (PDF)
PRTF Program Manual Training Grid (PDF)
Ohio administrative code regulations
Ohio MHAS Rules:
Rule 5122-41-01 | Purpose, definitions and general standards
Rule 5122-41-02 | Psychiatric residential treatment facility model
Rule 5122-41-03 | PRTF admission criteria, admissions, and discharges
Rule 5122-41-04 | Youth and family engagement
Rule 5122-41-05 | Care coordination, transition planning, and continuity of care
Rule 5122-41-06 | Staffing, staffing qualifications, and staff ratios
Rule 5122-41-07 | Individual plan of care and services
Rule 5122-41-08 | Staff training
ODM Rules:
Rule 5160-59-03.6 | Psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF) service
Rule 5160-59-07 | Psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF): cost reports