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Fill out the form below to find providers and health care facilities near you. You can also call Member Services at 1-866-827-2710 (TTY: 711) to learn more about these services.

Provider/Facility Name OR Specialty is required to continue

Please enter first and last name of Provider, or the name of the facility

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Vision care

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Quest Diagnostics

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Dental care

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Provider Directory

Our directory PDF (or printed directory) is updated monthly.

You can get a copy of the provider directory by mail. You can also get the materials you need in a different language or format. Just call Member Services at 1-866-827-2710 (TTY: 711) to learn more about these services. Or they can help you find a provider.

This Directory of Maryland’s network providers contains:

Health Care Providers

Primary Care Providers, specialists, mental health providers, Qualified Family Planning Providers (QFFPs), dentists and vision care providers.


Hospitals, long-term care facilities and skilled nursing facilities for rehabilitation, mental health facilities, Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Centers.

Support providers

Adult day services, assisted living, home-delivered meals, home health agencies and home medical equipment providers.