Aetna Better Health of Ohio Rise Home

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Tell us what you’re looking for

Fill out this form to find behavioral health providers and facilities in the OhioRISE network.

Looking for other providers?
If you are a member of a managed care organization (MCO), contact your MCO for more information.

If not are not a member of an MCO, contact the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline for more
information. Just call 1-800-324-8680. You can get help Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 8
p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Looking for pharmacies?
You can find a list of pharmacies near you on the Gainwell Technologies website.

Provider/facility name OR Specialty OR Specialized Expertise is required to continue.

Please enter the provider’s name or the name of the facility.

Provider directory

We update our printed and digital directories every month.

You can get a copy of the provider directory by mail. You can also get the provider directory in
a different language or format. Just call Member Services at 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711).
They can also help you find a provider.

Regions by county

West region:
Williams, Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Putnam, Paulding, Van Wert, Mercer, Lucas, Allen, Auglaize, Hardin,
Darke, Shelby, Miami, Logan, Champaign, Clark, Green, Madison, Preble, Montgomery, Butler, Warren,
Clinton, Hamilton, Clermont, Brown, Adams, Scioto, Lawrence

Central/Southeast region:
Fayette, Pickaway, Highland, Ross, Pike, Jackson, Gallia, Meigs, Hocking, Vinton, Athens, Franklin,
Licking, Knox, Morrow, Delaware, Fairfield, Perry, Muskingum, Morgan, Noble, Guernsey, Coshocton,
Washington, Ashland, Richland, Wayne, Holmes

Northeast region:
Monroe, Belmont, Harrison, Tuscawaras, Carroll, Jefferson, Columbiana, Stark, Summit, Portage,
Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Ashtabula, Lorain, Medina, Trumbull, Mahoning, Wood, Ottawa, Erie,
Sandusky, Seneca, Wyandot, Hancock, Huron, Crawford, Marion, Union

Types of providers

Our directories include different types of providers:

Behavioral health providers

  • General and child/adolescent psychiatrists and psychiatric Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs)
  • Child and adolescent needs and strengths (CANS) assessors
  • Community mental health services providers
  • Substance use disorder professionals (ASAM 1.0)
  • Other behavioral health providers


  • Acute care hospitals (with inpatient psychiatric units; includes associated provider services)
  • Psychiatric hospitals (includes associated provider services)
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)
  • Children's Hospitals
  • Substance use disorder facilities (ASAM 2, ASAM 3, ASAM 3.2, ASAM 3.7)
  • Behavioral health residential treatment facilities
  • Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF)

Support providers

Providers of mobile response and stabilization services (MRSS)
Opioid treatment programs

You’ll also find key information about providers. This includes:

  • Names, addresses and phone numbers
  • Specialties and board certification
  • Languages and ages served

Members and providers

Did you find wrong info about a provider? Please let us know.

Members: Call 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711).

Providers: Update your information

Do you want to see how well a provider has done at keeping people healthy and happy? The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Report Cards measure the performance of providers across the country.

Check a provider’s report card

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Links to various Aetna Better Health and non-Aetna Better Health sites are provided for your convenience. Aetna Better Health of Ohio Rise is not responsible or liable for non-Aetna Better Health content, accuracy, or privacy practices of linked sites, or for products or services described on these sites.


Questions? Just call 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711) if you need help:

  • Finding the provider you’re looking for
  • Finding a provider outside our service  area
  • Making an appointment