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How OhioRISE works
OhioRISE benefits start with a system of care that focuses on children, youth, families and caregivers. We cover specialized behavioral health services to meet your unique needs. Care coordinators and care management entities (CME) partner with you to create a team and support you every step of the way.
Behavioral health includes services for mental and behavioral health, as well as substance use.
Care coordinators and CMEs understand youth with behavioral health conditions involved with community systems — such as child protection, juvenile justice and intellectual/developmental disabilities — and help connect you to the right care to meet your goals.
Get help
If you have questions, contact us.
You can call 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711). We're here for you 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Questions about your other Medicaid health benefits? Contact your Medicaid managed care organization (MCO) for other health benefits, like physical health or rides to doctor visits.
Not a member of an MCO? Contact the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline at 1-800-324-8680 to learn about your other health benefits. You can get help Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
OhioRISE covers medications your doctor gives you in the office to treat mental health and substance use disorders. Gainwell Technologies covers all your other pharmacy services and benefits. They work with the Ohio Department of Medicaid to provide these benefits.
Find contact information and learn more on our pharmacy page.
You can also find local resources and services.
How to enroll in OhioRISE

How to enroll in OhioRISE
Children and youth who may qualify for OhioRISE meet all these criteria:
- Are eligible for Ohio Medicaid (either managed care or fee-for-service)
- Are ages 0 to 20
- Are not enrolled in a MyCare Ohio plan, need significant behavioral health treatment using the Ohio CANS (Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths) assessment or had a recent inpatient hospital stay for a behavioral health reason
Click here to learn more about children and youth who may qualify for the OhioRISE 1915(c) waiver.
Are you enrolled in a MyCare Ohio plan and have qualifying needs for OhioRISE services? If yes, you can still get the care you need. Contact your MyCare Ohio plan to talk about your options.
About us
About us
OhioRISE is a Medicaid managed care program that offers specialized behavioral healthcare for youth from Aetna Better Health of Ohio, part of Aetna® and the CVS Health® family. We’ve been serving people with Medicaid benefits for over 30 years. So, we have the expertise and experience to help children and youth with complex behavioral health needs.
Our national experience helps us do a lot of great work in your community, where you live, work and play. We’re proud to be your neighbor, working alongside you to make Ohio a great state. Your family can get the care they need to be as healthy as possible. And, they can do it all close to home.
You can go to the general Aetna Better Health website to learn more.

Non-discrimination notice
Aetna Better Health® of Ohio follows state and federal civil rights laws that protect you from discrimination or unfair treatment.
Legal notices
Aetna is part of the CVS Health® family of companies.