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Find contact info for Provider Relations or other information you may need.
Here are some helpful provider links if you’re new to our network.
Find tools and resources, including education on cultural competency and health equity.
You can submit claims through our secure Provider Portal or by mailing a claim form to us.
Learn how to request PA and find information on criteria, forms, timelines and referrals.
You can find all the forms you need right here.
Aetna Better Health Kids is part of Aetna® and the CVS Health® family, one of our nation’s leading health care organizations. We’ve been serving families who use CHIP and Medicaid benefits for over 30 years, including those who have children living with disabilities or other serious health issues.
Our national experience helps us do a lot of great work in your community, where you live, work and play. And we’re proud to be your neighbor, working alongside you to make Pennsylvania a great state. Members can get the care they need to be as healthy as possible. And they can do it all close to home.
Visit the Aetna Better Health website to learn more.
Find contact info for Provider Relations or other information you may need.
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