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Our enhanced, secure and user-friendly web portal is now available. This HIPAA-compliant portal is available 24 hours a day. And it supports the functions and access to information that you need to take care of your patients. Popular features include:

• Single sign-on – One log-in and password allows you to move smoothly through various systems.
• Mobile interface – Enjoy the additional convenience of access through your mobile device.
• Personalized content and services – After log-in, you will find a landing page customized for you.
• Real-time data access – View updates as soon as they are posted.
• Better tracking – Know immediately the status of each claim submission and medical PA request.
• eReferrals – Go paperless. Refer patients to registered specialists electronically and communicate securely with the provider.
• Auto-Auths – Depending on the auth type and service location, it is possible to receive an auto-approval on your request.
• Detailed summaries – Find easy access to details about denied PA requests or claims.
• Enhanced information – Analyze, track and improve services and processes.

All providers must register for the provider portal prior to use by completing and submitting our Portal Registration form.

Our Provider Portal Instructions can help get you started.

If you are already registered, you can just log in.

Sign up for our personalized, secure member website. You can use the site to manage your plan benefits and meet your health goals. The site lets you:
• Change your doctor
• Update your contact information
• Find forms or get new member ID cards
• View your personal health history
• Track your health goals
• See the status of your claim

Sign up today. It’s easy.
If you’re ready to start using this secure online tool, you can register online. Or you can sign up over the phone by calling Member Services at 1-855-463-0933 (TTY: 711), 8AM to 8 PM, seven days a week.