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Dental benefits

Dental benefits
We work with Liberty Dental to provide adults and children with dental and oral health care. You don’t need a referral to see a dentist in the network. And you can change your dentist or dental group any time during treatment.
For adults
Adults (ages 21+ for Medicaid and ages 20+ for CHIP) can get covered services, including:
- Check-ups (twice a year)
- Cleaning (every six months)
- X-rays (once a year)
- Dental restorative services (fillings, implants and crowns), with a $2000 per member per two benefit year limit (Medicaid members). Benefit year begins annually on July 1.
For children
Children (under age 20) can get covered services, including:
- Check-ups (twice a year)
- Cleaning (every six months)
- X-rays (once a year)
You can find a dentist:
By phone
Call Liberty Dental at 1-800-267-6610 (TTY: 711). You can also call us at 1-888-348-2922 (TTY: 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Help for dental emergencies

Help for dental emergencies
Just call your dentist. Go to the emergency room for medical emergencies when your life is in danger.
Find a dentist in emergencies
Is your dentist office closed? Or maybe you don’t have a dentist? To find a dentist, just call Liberty Dental at 1-800-267-6610 (TTY: 711).
For emergency dental care, you can see any dentist. They don’t have to be in the network. You don’t need a referral or approval for emergencies.
Types of dental emergencies
Some examples are:
- A broken natural tooth
- A lost filling or crown
- A permanent tooth is knocked out
- Very bad pain in the gum around a tooth
- Mouth or face swelling or infection
Special Settings
Sometimes people need to be in a hospital setting or surgical center for dental care. This may happen for:
- People with special health care needs
- Children under age 5
If your dentist can’t provide this service, you can call Liberty Dental at 1-800-267-6610 (TTY: 711).
They can help you find a dentist and arrange your care.