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This section reports all current and closed system issues that have resulted in claims payment errors.
Take note:
- Issues are listed from newest to oldest from when they were identified.
- Each issue contains a summary and an expected resolution date.
- The report is updated monthly.
This section reports all current and closed system issues that have resulted in claims payment errors.
Take note:
- Issues are listed from newest to oldest from when they were identified.
- Each issue contains a summary and an expected resolution date.
- The report is updated monthly.
EFT-ERA registration vendor services (PDF)
Aetna and Quest Analytics Partnership (PDF)
50-90 Day Upgrade Notice (PDF)
CLIA ABH Provider Reminder (PDF)
CLIA CMS File Load and Validation (PDF)
Provider forum bulletin September 2024 (PDF)
OhioRISE Change Healthcare Notice (PDF)
OhioRISE Provider Forum - Summer 2024 (PDF)
Behavioral Health Respite Education - June 2024 (PDF)
OhioRISE Network Provider EHR Adoption Survey (PDF)
OhioRISE Provider Forum-March 2024 (PDF)
Medicaid Terminations Announcement-January 2024 (PDF)
December/January Holiday Check Information (PDF)
OhioRISE Mixed Services Protocol MCE Memo (PDF)
Provider Interviews Announcement (PDF)
Provider Forum Bulletin-Southwest (PDF)
Provider Forum Bulletin - Cleveland (PDF)
Respite Provider Recruitment (PDF)
Provider Forum Bulletin - Columbus (PDF)
BH Respite Rate Bulletin (PDF)
Appointment Assessibility Bulletin Reminder (PDF)
ODM notification of training (PDF)
EFT/ERA registration services (PDF)
Launch of EHR survey to provider community (PDF)
ODM Press - February 17, 2023 (PDF)
Next Generation of Ohio Medicaid’s Managed Care Program (PDF)
This section reports all current and closed system issues that have resulted in claims payment errors.
Take note:
- Issues are listed from newest to oldest from when they were identified.
- Each issue contains a summary and an expected resolution date.
- The report is updated monthly.
Aetna bulletins
Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) bulletins
This section reports all current and closed system issues that have resulted in claims payment errors.
Take note:
- Issues are listed from newest to oldest from when they were identified.
- Each issue contains a summary and an expected resolution date.
- The report is updated monthly.
Questions? Just call Provider Relations at 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711). You can get help 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.