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Just call 1-844-365-4385 (TTY: 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can also check your member handbook on the materials and forms page.
Just call 1-844-365-4385 (TTY: 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can also check your member handbook on the materials and forms page.
Help in a crisis

Help in a crisis
Call or text 988 to reach the Oklahoma Mental Health Lifeline (988 Lifeline). Trained counselors can help you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also chat online with a counselor through their Lifeline Chat service.
We’ve got you covered
Behavioral health benefits cover treatment for mental health and substance use disorders. We want to help you feel better and support your recovery. So we cover many behavioral health services, like:
- Counseling
- Hospital care
- Day treatment
- Crisis services
- Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
You can get these services in your home or the community. And you don’t need a PCP referral. You can get care from any provider in our network. Need help finding a counselor or therapist? You can search for a provider near you.
Not sure what services we cover? Just contact us. We can help coordinate the services you need.
Our behavioral health services
Your mental and behavioral health are key to your overall health and well-being. We want you to have access to quality services. Learn more about behavioral health services in your member handbook.
More about behavioral health

More about behavioral health
Visit this mental health page for topics like:
- Self-care: tips and resources for mental wellness
- Condition management: eating disorders, bipolar disorder, substance misuse, depression and more
- Resources and screeners: suicide prevention, hotlines and info for teens and LGBTQIA+
- Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
- Resources from the National Alliance on Mental Illness
- Mental Health Association Oklahoma
- Alliance Mental Health Providers Oklahoma
- Student Mental Health Resources from Oklahoma State Department of Education
Check your local resources for even more support. You can learn about everything from quitting nicotine to getting rides to your health visits.