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Tribal outreach

Tribal outreach
Our tribal outreach program works closely with Oklahoma’s 39 sovereign tribal nations. We partner with their tribal governments to improve health care for our members who are AI or AN. Our tribal outreach efforts also support our Indian health care providers.
The outreach program includes:
An Office of Tribal Affairs
A Tribal Government Liaison
A Tribal Advisory Committee
Tribal Advisory Board
The Tribal Advisory Board is a committee that includes members and health care providers. It lets us combine our health care experience and solutions with your tribal knowledge to improve health care for all AI/AN members.
The Tribal Advisory Board:
Uses member feedback to enhance health care services
Helps Indian health care providers with billing, coding and electronic records
Supports the health care needs of AI/AN veterans
Learn more about our Tribal Advisory Board and how to join.
You can email the Tribal Government liaison or call 1-844-365-4385 (TTY: 711).