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Plan members, providers and representatives join to form our committees. Think about joining one of these committees:
Member Advisory Committee (MAC)
Behavioral Health Advisory Committee (BHAC)
Tribal Advisory Board
Together, we come up with ways to:
Address the needs of a culturally diverse population, including communication and care for members who speak a primary language other than English
Improve readability, content and responsiveness of our website and other member materials to be as user-friendly as possible
Reach you with important plan messages
Improve phone services to be as user-friendly as possible
Explain how to use emergency and ride services
Follow up on input from members and providers
Member Advisory Committee (MAC)
Member Advisory Committee (MAC)
The goal for this group is to get input from members on strategies for improving care and services. We work to represent the values and concerns of members. Some areas for input include:
Member education
Outreach programs
Quality improvement
We want to:
Strengthen the way members take part in their health care
Work together to confirm our services meet the holistic needs of members
Improve member access and responsiveness of our services
Increase responsiveness to the needs of a culturally diverse population
Improving readability and responsiveness of the plan website and other member materials
This group includes:
Member representatives
Health plan staff and leaders

Behavioral Health Advisory Committee (BHAC)

Behavioral Health Advisory Committee (BHAC)
The goal for this group is to get input on our services for behavioral health and substance use disorders (SUDs). We work to represent the values and concerns of members. Some areas for input include:
Member education
Policy development
Outreach programs
Quality improvement activities
We want to:
Understand the perspective and respond to the diverse needs of members with behavioral health conditions and substance use disorders (SUDs)
Strengthen the way members take part in their health care
Work together to confirm our services meet the holistic needs of members
Increase responsiveness to the needs of a culturally diverse population
Improve member access and responsiveness of our services
Improving readability and responsiveness of the plan website and other member materials
This group includes:
Members who use behavioral health services
Member representatives
Behavioral health providers
Community peer support specialists
Health plan staff and leaders
Tribal Advisory Board
Tribal Advisory Board
The goal for this group is to combine our experience and solutions with your tribal knowledge to improve quality health care for all American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) members.
We work with tribes to understand and address tribal priorities. We want to build relationships with:
Tribal and urban health facilities
Oklahoma tribal governments
Indian Health Service
Get feedback to identify extra benefits and improve our health plan
Provide a way for members and providers to offer feedback, raise concerns and get solutions
Improve how we work with health care providers for better health and wellness
Address areas where health can improve (health disparities)
Make sure you have a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as you can be (health equity)
Discuss issues and concerns from members and Indian health care providers (IHCPs) like reimbursement, claims payments, access to care, and enrollment
Support AI/AN veterans through our veteran wellness program
This group includes:
Tribal members
Member representatives
Indian health care providers (IHCPs)
Health plan staff and leaders

Join a committee
Learn more about joining a committee. Call us at 1-844-365-4385 (TTY: 711) or email our Member Advocate team.