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What is telehealth?

What is telehealth?
Forget the hassle of waiting rooms and travel to appointments. Through secure video on your computer or mobile device, telehealth lets you meet with a provider from the comfort of home. You can use it when you need help with common health conditions, like:
Skin conditions
Sinus problems
Ear infections
When can you use telehealth?
Through MDLIVE, you can talk with a provider on any day of the week, 7 AM to 9 PM.
How to get started
1. Computer desktop
Visit MDLIVE to register. You’ll want to make sure you’re using the latest version of a Google Chrome™, Firefox, Safari® or Microsoft® Edge browser. (Note: If you’re using Microsoft Internet Explorer™ or an older version of the browsers mentioned here, you may not be able to use all the site’s functions.)
2. Mobile device and app
Download the MDLIVE telehealth mobile app from the Google Play™ store or the Apple® App Store®.
3. Phone
You can speak with an MDLIVE telehealth agent. Just call 1-866-276-9381.
After you register, you can create an account. Then, you can complete your profile, add your medical history and add eligible family members.
Have questions? Anytime you need help, just call MDLIVE at 1-866-276-9381.
Just contact us. You can get interpreter services with three-way video at no cost. This includes American Sign Language and real-time oral interpretation.
You can talk with a doctor using MDLIVE telehealth’s secure and private live chat feature. Just choose “hearing impaired” and any other traits that apply to you from the “accommodations menu.” And complete the online registration process. This feature is there each time you log in to the MDLIVE telehealth website. Just click the “hearing impaired” icon located on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
Note: You can use the live chat feature only on the MDLIVE website, not on the MDLIVE mobile app.
Don’t have a smartphone?
If you’re a Medicaid MMA member, you can get a smartphone with an Android platform and Assurance Wireless Lifeline
cell service at no extra cost to you.
To learn more about the no-cost smartphone, just check your plan’s benefits info.
Prepare for your appointment
Prepare for your appointment
Make sure you have the equipment you need
You’ll need a secure internet connection to use your device.
Using a computer or laptop? Make sure it has these features:
- Video camera
- Speakers
- Microphone
Most current devices, including smartphones and tablets, should already have these features.
Test it out beforehand
Want to make sure your device is working properly? Just practice using Zoom or Skype with a friend or family member. This way, you'll know you can join the call when it comes time for your appointment.

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