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Just call SoonerCare at 800-987-7767. Or visit the Oklahoma Health Care Authority website for more info.
Just call SoonerCare at 800-987-7767. Or visit the Oklahoma Health Care Authority website for more info.
What you may need to renew coverage

What you may need to renew coverage
To renew, you’ll need to provide info about yourself and your family members. Here’s a list of things you may need to include with your application:
Your most recent pay stubs with your gross wages, or a letter from your employer on company letterhead with your gross wages
Proof of any other form of income (self-employment, rental, alimony, and more)
Names and birthdates of all members in your house
Pregnancy status and expected delivery date for all members in your house
Social Security numbers of all members in your house
Proof of citizenship, alien registration or other identity info
Info on other health insurance you may have
These things help confirm the info you provide.
Choose how to renew
Visit the Oklahoma Health Care Authority website.
By phone
Call SoonerCare at 800-987-7767.
By mail
Call SoonerCare at 800-987-7767 and ask them to send you a paper renewal form. Complete the form, then mail it back.
Why renew on time every year?
Renewing on time every year allows you to:
Keep your benefits and services
Enjoy peace of mind, knowing you and your family have health coverage
Stay as healthy as you can, so you can be there for your family
Keep your info up to date
Keep your info up to date
After you renew, make sure that any info we have from you stays current. This allows us to contact you about your plan. Your info may include your address, employment status and other details.
Need to update your info?
Just visit the Oklahoma Health Care Authority website at anytime. Or contact SoonerCare to update your info at 800-987-7767. You can also check out this video to learn more about updating your contact info.

Switch to Aetna Better Health®

Switch to Aetna Better Health®
You can change your health plan at certain times. Changes take from 15 to 45 days. You can join Aetna Better Health of Oklahoma if you live in Oklahoma. To learn more, just visit the Oklahoma Health Care Authority website. Or call 800-987-7767.
What if you are no longer eligible for SoonerCare?
If you no longer qualify for SoonerCare, you may be able to get coverage you can afford from other options, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace. You can enroll if you’ve had a qualifying life event like losing your coverage.
Learn about other coverage options
Visit the Aetna CVS Health™ marketplace website to see if we offer an ACA plan in your area. More locations are coming soon.
Visit to learn about other coverage options you may be eligible for.