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What does a care manager do?
What does a care manager do?
Care managers teach you about your health conditions and ways to take care of yourself. They also teach you about your benefits and connect you with local resources. Your care manager can help you:
Find a medical home where you can get most of your care
Find a primary care physician
Schedule doctors’ visits
Find specialists and behavioral health services near your home
Get rides to your doctor, drug store or hospital
Get medical and dental services, supplies and equipment
Find community resources and educational materials
Get the services you need
SKY program
SKY program
Supporting Kentucky Youth (SKY) program
We're happy to manage your child’s Medicaid services through the SKY program. A care coordinator will contact you to learn about your needs and your child's needs. They’ll stay in touch with you and your family. They'll coordinate with you and your child’s team to help meet your child's needs and goals. They can also help:
Schedule doctors' visits and health tests
Create a plan to improve or maintain health and well-being
Respond to changes in health and well-being needs
Find resources in the community